Course Overview

Unleash your musical potential with an extraordinary music curriculum! Dive into the captivating world of music and unlock your talents. Not only will you master the fundamentals, but you’ll also embark on a thrilling journey to explore diverse instruments, record your own sensational bands, and even craft your very own podcast. All this from within your own school! Get ready to rock your way to greatness!


Project Based Learning


Students Choose Their Own Path


Industry Standard Recording Software


Explores Multiple Careers Within The Industry

Top reasons students love it!

Made for Students

They choose what instrument they want to play, and what song they want to play!



Students are free to explore all the different options ROTRA offers and encouraged to try new things.


Engaging projects and hands-on assignments to keep students thinking musically!

Our Courses

Module One - Origin and Theory of Music

A basic introduction to music, notes and the families of instruments. Begin learning an instrument and forming bands with peers.

Module Two - A Dive Into Genres

Learn about the genres that defined eras, why they became so popular and the importance of their influence.